Monday 17 December 2007

Acts of kindness- Do It For The Kids!!

In the spirit of Bloggers Unite Acts of Kindness Day, do something nice today. I made my husband coffee. But I do more than that. If I could be anything I wanted when I grow up, I would like to be a philanthropist. I'm broke, but I give stuff away all the time. Research does show that poorer people give proportionately more of their income to charity than rich people. I have fantasized about winning the lottery and traveling the world over-tipping harassed waitresses, and topping up people's parking meters for them. Did you know it is actually ILLEGAL to put money in someone else's parking meter?! One more reason the world makes no sense to me. I always try to put something in the Food Bank donation box at the grocery store. I give granola bars to homeless people on the street (there's often a granola bar in my purse even when there isn't any money). I hate Christmas, I often don't even celebrate it (now I am made to because of Naomi), but I do always give new toys to the Salvation Army toy drives. And I'm slaving away in academia so that someday I can change the world, a tiny bit. I am basically a good person, underneath the sarcasm and cynicism.

If you don't feel that you have committed enough acts of kindness lately, you can always donate to your favourite charity, give the next homeless person you see a bill instead of spare change, forget about work and go play with your kid(s), give your wife a foot massage for no good reason - there are a million things to do out there.

And if you want to improve your karma,
click the donate button :-)
Do it for the kids!

Happy Day All.

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