Sunday 6 January 2008

Nepali Lessons

Naomi and I had our second Nepali 'lesson' yesterday, using the only Nepali Language program we could find, other than books, of which I have also ordered one that has not yet arrived. Now this may help us pick up a few words, but I am quite doubtful as to how much of the language I can really learn this way, Rosetta Stone it is not. And just who designs this stuff anyway? Some of the words in the vocabulary are truly absurd: do I really need to know how to say sailboat (Nepal is mountainous and landlocked, hello) or igloo in Nepali? Is anyone living in an igloo up there on Everest? I can now say things like "the rabbit is in the hat," and "the gorilla is on top of the car," but have yet to get to the important stuff like "where is the bathroom?" or "Do you speak English?" But you can play the memory card game with Nepali picture and word cards, which Naomi enjoys. Thanks to you directed me to Nepali lessons on youtube, which I will definitely be checking out. I have studied 8 languages already, never by computer, so I remain skeptical.

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