Tuesday 15 July 2008

What Would God Wear?

So the other day Naomi asked me what kind of clothes god wears. Now we haven't really talked a whole lot about god. We have celebrated both Jewish and non-Jewish holidays, but god just really hadn't come up, and that was fine with me, as I'm really not quite sure what to tell her about god. She only noticed churches last week, and I don't think she really knows what they're for yet, and I have never taken her to a place of worship. So the other day I did tell her some people believe god made the world, but I'm not sure how much she was paying attention - but then she asked about the clothes. So I said I thought god(s) might not really wear clothes (but the idea of god naked was a bit too funny), but if they did, I bet they would be a lot like pyjamas, you know, like the togas of old. But as we gave this some more thought, we agreed maybe a god would like to wear princess dresses or fancy suits. After all, Naomi's favourite outfit at the moment is her Disney Cinderella costume (which is miles too big for her). So wouldn't god want to dress just like that too?

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